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let's learn the practical way to implement & execute the resignation acceptance letter
Let me share another Best Practice that we can follow in any organization.
Once an employee applies for the resignation and when it gets approved by the Management, HR should provide an acknowledgment in the way by issuing a Resignation Acceptance Letter.
A resignation acceptance letter is a formal way to acknowledge that you accept your employee's request to resign. The resignation acceptance letter allows the employer to acknowledge the contributions that the employee has made to the company and wish them luck in their future endeavors.
Once the candidate accepts the offer letter from the new company, he has to apply for his resignation from the current company and submit some evidence/proof that he has put down his paper.
But normally we all have observed in many organizations, that our resignation does not get approved immediately and many a time, it takes lots of time to get it approved and during this period we are so tensed, frustrated, and under more pressure from the new offered company that they want the resignation acceptance evidence and we find it very difficult to convey or convenience both of them. Emotionally we get disturbed, and all our negativity comes out in the form of Gossip.
Hence, a Resignation Acceptance Letter plays a major role as an acknowledgment copy and evidence that he has resigned and the same has been accepted by the present company.
Kindly go through the Exit Policy and follow the process and if you have any queries, please contact the HR Department.
The employee will be very happy to know that his resignation has been accepted and when he is going to be relieved. Moreover, he can submit the letter to his newly offered company. He will get all the information that is required for his smooth exit.
Dear ABC,
This is with reference to your email dated 01.04.2023 sent to Mr. XYZ – Head Operation tendering your resignation from the services of the Company. As per your request, we do hereby accept your resignation and you are relieved from the company’s services after the close of working hours of 30.04.2023, which is your last day of working in the Company.
You have to serve one month’s notice and are requested to hand over all the company properties and your job responsibilities to Mr. ABC – Designation.
Kindly go through the exit policy (attached) and follow the process. If you have any queries about the enclosed information or the process in general, please do not hesitate to contact the HR Department.
Your full and final settlement will be processed only on completion of your one-month notice period and proper handover of your job responsibilities.
We wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.
Yours faithfully,
hureto group
{{A Mudaliar}}
A Career Coach, Trainer & Founder with 20+ Years of HR Experience